Как уютно детям в свете нежных черных звезд, В их глазах дрожит сиянье нежных черных звезд. Убереги их от книги, от буквы, от слова…
Priviet motherfuckers, I am Vladimir,
I believe in Mother Russia and I live in Sibir.
I was a Spetsnaz in the Red Army
and there was no better killer than me
But the Glasnost came and I lost my job,
and became a hitman for the russian mob.
I shot and killed both pimps and tsars for Vodka, guns and caviar.
I believe in Mother Russia and I live in Sibir.
I was a Spetsnaz in the Red Army
and there was no better killer than me
But the Glasnost came and I lost my job,
and became a hitman for the russian mob.
I shot and killed both pimps and tsars for Vodka, guns and caviar.